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【MD-K01】KAdermin 傷口癒合噴粉 Wound Healing Power Spray 125ml



【KKAdermin 傷口癒合噴粉】是外用輔助物治療傷口、擦傷, 輕度燒傷和尤其是帶有滲液的皮膚損傷。 香港醫療儀器表列號碼:190179 原裝行貨,意大利直接進口 KAdermin spray is an adjuvant for external treatment of wounds, abrasions, minor burns and especially for skin lesions with exuding condition. HKMD No. : 190179 Authorized goods. Direct import from Italy.


適用 : KAdermin噴粉是醫療儀器。它的配方能建立保護屏障,作為輔助物治療傷口、潰瘍、擦傷、輕微燒傷和帶有滲液的皮膚損傷(例如褥瘡)、尿布疹、汗斑和表面傷口。它亦適用於手術後的傷口和臍帶殘端情況。 KAdermin傷口癒合噴粉可形成保護屏障膜,防止微生物侵襲,快速幫助傷口癒合。

使用方法 : 使用前請先參閱包裝說明。

  1. 使用前,請先清潔並弄乾患處,把噴瓶搖均;
  2. 每天使用1次或數次,距離患處約 10厘米噴上粉末薄層,粉末會形成保護層,然後用敷料覆蓋。 請勿按摩。
  3. 當重複使用時要更換敷料。
  4. 處理開放性傷口,請用濕紗布覆蓋,然後用消毒好的繃帶包紮,建議由醫護人員處理。

注意事項 : 只供外用,不可食用和使用後請蓋好噴瓶蓋。 如產品有損壞或已過期,請勿使用。 必需於開放空間使用。不應存放在溫度低於5℃或高於50℃的地方,遠離熱源、熱表面和火源。儲存在兒童不能接觸的地方。請勿刺穿或燃燒待棄的產品。如果誤食或不慎噴入眼睛,請立即用清水沖洗和尋求醫生的意見。使用產品後,如皮膚出現異常反應,請立即停止使用,並通知你的醫生。

包裝 : 125毫升/瓶



1. 商品包裝/限期如有更新,可能照片來不及更換,請以實際收到的商品為實。
2. 若產品同時有新舊包裝/批次,則會採取隨機發送。


Indications : KAdermin Wound Healing Powder spray is a medical device.  It’s formulation creates a protective barrier, as adjuvant treatment for wounds, ulcers, abrasions, minor burns and exuding skin lesions (such as keloid), nappy rash, maceration from sweat and superficial traumatic injuries.  It is indicated in post-surgical wounds medications and in umbilical cord stump too.  KAdermin powder spray forms a protective barrier film against microbial aggression, useful to speed up healing. 

Direction of use : Please refer more details on the package before use. 

1. Before use, shake the can well, clean and dry the affected area.

2. Spray one or several times daily with a thin layer of powder from a distance of 10cm to the affected area. The powder will form a protective layer and then to be covered with dressing. Do not message.

3. Change the dressing when repeat medication.  

4. Open lesion shall be covered with a moist gauze and then sterile bandage, it is better to be cared by medical personnel.

Precaution :  For external use only, do not ingest and close the can carefully after use. Do not use if package is damaged or after expiry date. To be used only in open spaces. Do not store or spray in temperatures lower than 5°C or exceeding 50°C, keep away from sunlight, hot surface, ignition sources and heat.  Keep out of reach of children. Do not pierce or burn the product even when discard. In case of ingestion or spray into eyes, immediately rinse with water and seek qualified medical advice. Discontinue treatment in the presence of abnormal skin reactions and inform your doctor.

Packing : 125ml / bottle

The picture above is for reference only. The real object should be considered as final.
