用於 :Seidycalm® 私密處舒緩乳霜是與陰道生理分泌物相似的,其性質輕盈、不油膩、芳香、呈白色乳狀,有助:
- 提升保濕和舒緩效能,舒緩外陰乾燥;
- 保持生理 pH 值的平衡,亦不含激素或化學干擾性成份。
使用Seidycalm® 後不會留下污漬在內衣上或外陰處。
使用說明 :
1. 使用 Seidycalm® 前後請洗手。
2. 旋轉扭開 Seidycalm®膠蓋,然後使用膠蓋上的尖頭刺穿密封的鋁管口。
3. 按壓鋁管讓少量乳霜流出並沾在指尖上。
4. 將乳霜塗抹在外陰部位。
警告或注意事項 :
- 不可食用。
- 避免接觸眼睛。 如意外接觸眼睛,請用大量清水清洗。
- 請依照指示使用產品。
- 若包裝損壞,請勿使用。
- 孕婦及哺乳期婦女可以依從醫生或藥劑師建議使用。
- 此產品僅供個人使用,不應與其他人分享。
儲存 : 請存放在兒童接觸不到的地方。
包裝 : 30克 / 支
- 商品包裝/限期如有更新,可能照片來不及更換,請以實際收到的商品為實。
- 若產品同時有新舊包裝/批次,則會採取隨機發送。
- 圖片只供參考,一切以實物為準。
Uses : Seidycalm® light-texture, non-greasy, whitish and pleasantly aromatic cream has provided a similar to that of the physiological vaginal secretion. It helps to:
- enhance hydrating and soothing capacity and relieve genital dryness.
- maintain pH at a physiological balance. It does not contain neither hormonal nor chemical-aggressive ingredients.
Seidycalm® does not leave stains over the underwear after vaginal application or over the external genitalia.
Instructions for use :
1. Wash your hands before and after using Seidycalm®.
2. Unscrew the Seidycalm® tube cap, turn it down and use the sharp point to perforate the tube seal.
3. Press the tube to release a small amount of cream on your fingertip.
4. Spread the cream over the external intimate area.
Warnings and precautions :
- Do not eat.
- Avoid any contact with the eyes. In case of accidental contacts wash thoroughly with water.
- Use the product only according to the instructions.
- Do not use it if the package is damaged.
- Pregnant women and nursing mothers can use the product as recommended by the doctor or pharmacist.
- The product is intended for individual use and should not be shared with other people.
Storage : Keep the product out of the sight and the reach of children.
Packing : 30g / tube
For details, please refer to the product insert and labelling information on the package.
The picture above is for reference only. The real object should be considered as final.
- If there is any update on product packaging or expiration date, photos may not be replaced in time; please refer to the actual product received.
- The product will be sent randomly if it has new and old packaging/batch.
- The picture above is for reference only. The real object should be considered as final.